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Dr. Zakali Shohe earns doctorate degree under ATU program

Dr. Zakali Shohe earns doctorate degree under ATU program

This March 2016, the ATESEA Theological Union (ATU), has produced another doctoral graduate: Dr. Zakali Shohe of Trinity Theological College.

She sums up her journey as follows:

“In my desire to see qualified women and men from Asia engaging in learning, teaching and research, I pursued my doctoral program in the area of New Testament with ATESEA Theological Union (ATU) under the leadership of Dr Limuel Equina who provided me the opportunity to achieve it.

I am both glad and grateful that I could do my Doctoral program under the ATU at Trinity Theological College (TTC), Singapore. As a residential student at TTC for four years (2011-2015), it was an enriching experience in the midst of a community of teaching and learning and an excellent place for doing my academic research with the opportunity to learn and express my views under the supervision of scholars like Dr. Tan Kim Huat. The learning and sharing experiences with professors (Dr. Lester Ruiz, Dr. C. L. Seow, Dr. Royce Victor, Dr. Muriel Orevillo-Montenegro and Dr. H. S. Wilson) in different fields and my student colleagues from different countries at the ATU Methodology Seminar in 2012 at AIIAS (Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies), Silang, Cavite, Philippines, have been enriching and productive as well. Notable are the intercultural and international education and exchange of ideas from different contexts that contribute to expertise at the doctoral level.

“These rich experiences and learning opportunities continue to influence me and I intend to put them into practice in my teaching ministry. I am proud to be a part of the ATU community who value both the life of the mind and the life of the body.”

Dr. Zakali Shohe is from Nagaland, India where she has been on the faculty of Trinity Theological College (under the Senate of Serampore), Dimapur, Nagaland from June 2004 to date. Her area of specialization is Pauline Studies, but as an academician she teaches Pauline theology, Biblical hermeneutics, Johanine gospel and Revelation.

Her dissertation, completed in 2015, is entitled: Acceptance Motif in Paul: Revisiting Romans 15:7-13.  For three months Zakali was also doing her post-doctoral research fellowship at the Missionsakademie (der universität hamburg). She is a member of the Sumi Baptist Church, Kohima, Nagaland.

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