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Empowerment: A Conference for Women
On September 24-25, 2024, ATESEA will hold a Conference for Women at the Bangkok Christian Guest House, Bangkok, Thailand with the theme, “Women Empowerment.” This will be conducted in a hybrid format.
Selected women will share their thoughts on the theme based on the theme from their respective contexts:
“Women Leadership in Orality Within Theological Education” by Dr. Tan Swee Bee, Lecturer, Seminari Theoloji Malaysia, Seremban, Malaysia
“Bible, Women, and Politics” by Dr. Fanang Lum Lahpai – Dean, Institute of Myanmar Graduate Studies, Yangon, Myanmar
“Roles and Challenges of Female Christian Leadership in the Thai Context” by Dr. Duangsuda Sribuaai – Academic Dean, McGilvary College of Divinity, Payap University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
“Leading and Learning: A Sharing on women leadership in the context of SATS” by Rev. Dr. Gloria Lita Mapangdol – President, St. Andrew’s Theological Seminary (SATS), Quezon City, Philippines
“Her Voice, Her Power: Women Wrestling with Patriarchy” by Dr. Lalnghakthuami – Lecturer, Senate of Serampore, India
“Post Conflict Contextual Ecclesiology : Learn From Lombok Women” by Dr. Margie De Wanna – Lecturer, STT Cipanas, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
“Rereading Exodus 1: 1 – 22 from the perspective of women’s contribution for/toward nation building in Myanmar” by Dr. Mar Lar Myint, Academic Dean, Tahan Theological College, Kalaymyo, Myanmar
From the male perspective, Prof. Robert Setio, Dean of the Faculty of Theology at Duta Wacana Christian University will talk on, “Whose interests are served by esyet chayil?: Prov. 31:10-31.”
Dr. Wati Longchar, Executive Director of the Foundation of Theological Education in Asia and the Pacific (FTEAP) will also report on “Gender Justice in Theological Education.”
This conference seeks to enable the participants to:
reflect biblically, theologically, historically, and experientially on the various issues affecting women in their diverse engagements in the ministries of the seminary, churches, and community;
articulate the significant roles of women in the different crisis situations and their contributions to church mission and social transformation; and
strengthen the network of women theological educators in Asia.
Read more for the program details.
For Registration for ONLINE participation
Kindly note: Registration is open to Faculty, Staff and students of ATESEA member schools only