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Spirituality and religion, Hands folded in prayer on a Holy Bible in church concept for faith.

ATESEA conducts seminar for CE

ATESEA conducts seminar for CE Eighteen (18) Christian Educators from Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines and Thailand participated in the ATESEA Theological Union (ATU) Center of Research (CORE) Seminar for Christian Education…

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23 Music and Liturgy lecturers attend Teacher’s Academy

23 Music and Liturgy lecturers attend Teacher’s Academy Twenty-three (23) lecturers for Music and Liturgy participated in the 2019 Teachers’ Academy held at McGilvary College of Divinity of Payap University,…

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Executive Director presents paper in Global Forum of Theological Educators

Executive Director presents paper in  Global Forum of Theological Educators Dr. Limuel Equina gave a presentation during the Global Forum of Theological Educators (GFTE) at Orthodox Theological Academy of Crete,…

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Executive Director lectures in South Asia Theological Research Institute

Executive Director lectures in South Asia Theological Research Institute Dr. Limuel Equina was invited to give a lecture during the Methodology Seminar of South Asia Theological Research Institute (SATHRI) on…

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Drs. Equina and Wilson meet with officials of Southern Christian College

Drs. Equina and  Wilson meet with officials of  Southern Christian College Dr. Limuel Equina, ATESEA Executive Director and Dr. HS Wilson, FTESEA Executive Director met with the administrators of Southern Christian…

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Drs. Abugan and Equina reassess doctoral program of China Graduate School of Theology

Drs. Abugan and Equina reassess doctoral program of China Graduate School of Theology Dr. Limuel Equina and Dr. Joyce Abugan visited China Graduate School of Theology (CGST) on March 14, 2019…

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