ATU Senate deliberates on crucial matters
The members of the ATESEA Theological Union (ATU) Senate met on November 9-10 at the Bangkok Christian Guest House to addressthe recommendations of the participants during the Conference of the Heads of schools and local academic coordinators of the 12 Centers for Excellence held in June and the ATESEA Board of Trustees in September.
The Senate reviewed the status of the ATU doctoral students, the guidelines on the appointment of advisers and readers of the dissertations, and other technical aspects of dissertation.
The Senate also discussed its involvement in the publication of the Asia Journal of Theology under the ATESEA management starting with the April 2016 issue. It was recommended that the ATESEA Editorial Committee meet with Dr. Simon Chan, the newly appointed editor of AJT, to discuss the details of the publication. Dr. Chan is the Earnest Lau Professor of Systematic Theology at Trinity Theological College in Singapore.
In view of the government regulations on higher education that affect many theological schools in Asia, the Senate discussed thoroughly this critical concern. Given this emerging landscape in education in the region, the Senate recognized the urgency to think of some models of administering the doctoral program under ATU and other ATESEA member schools.
After a long discussion, it was recommended that the ATESEA Board set up a Task Force that will review the mission and future structure of ATU. The Senate members offered their assistance to the ATESEA Board in the process of restructuring ATU should the board need their services.