AI Integration in Theological Education:
Challenges and Prospects

Conference for Deans and Theological Librarians

ATESEA will conduct a hybrid Conference for Deans and Theological Librarians on September 26–27, 2024, at the Bangkok Christian Guest House in Bangkok, Thailand. The theme is on “AI Integration in Theological Education: Challenges and Prospects.” 

Experts in their respective fields were invited to conduct a seminar workshop on the following:

  • “AI Literacy and Ethics for Library Training” with Dr. Namtip Wipawin, Chair Ph.D. Program in Information Science, School of Liberal Arts, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand
  • “Impact of Artificial Intelligence to Theological Education and Librarianship” and “Artificial Intelligence and its Implication to Theological Research, Library, and Information Services” with Assoc. Professor Stephen B. Alayon, Program Coordinator, Bachelor of Library and Information Science, College of Information and Communications Technology, West Visayas State University, Iloilo City, Philippines
  • “Theological Education in the Digital Age: Exploring the Use of AI Research Tools at APNTS” with Ms. Noreen Del Rosario (Head Librarian) and James Dong Sian Muan (MST Student), Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary, Rizal, Philippines

This seminar aims to equip academic deans and theological librarians with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively integrate artificial intelligence (AI) technologies into their library services. Participants will learn about the potential benefits of AI in theological libraries, explore practical applications, integration of AI in research and discuss strategies for successful implementation.

To register for ONLINE participation: 

  • Email us:
  • Message us:
    • WhatsApp: +63 995 205 8315
    • Messenger: Atesea Staff